You may raise a return request for Products you buy from Platform within 7 Days of delivery. However, products that are explicitly identified as ‘not returnable’ on the product detail page cannot be returned. For return, contact our customer care at 8088-415-454.
However, if you receive a damaged/defective/wrong product from, you will be allowed return/replacement even if the product is categorized as ‘non-returnable’ in the product description.
If a product is eligible for a return, the user will be able to initiate the return request under the ‘My Orders’ section.
If a Product is not eligible for return and is delivered as damaged/defective/wrong product, Contact Customer Care at 8088-415-454.
If the product is non-returnable, your return request will be cancelled.
Once the product reaches the brand's warehouse and goes through the required quality check, your refund will be processed to you via the same payment method within 7 working days
You will need to self-ship a product you need to return through a reliable courier partner if your area’s pin code is not serviceable for pickup. Please ensure you follow these guidelines with accuracy:
Attach a sheet of paper with the Order ID and Return ID for each item that is included in the package.
Scan the courier bill and share it to us through the ‘Contact Us’ option available in the App/Website.
Please mention the weight of the package you return to us.
Please mention your office/residential address including the destination address, amount and date of the shipment.
Do not overwrite or modify any information on the receipt.
The amount mentioned in the receipt will be cross-checked with the courier service provider and should match the sender-destination service combo.
Exchange is allowed only in the unlikely event when damaged, defective or different items are delivered to you.
For exchange, contact our customer service no 0-8088-415-454
We do not provide any refund for exchange orders. In case if the brand does not have the inventory, the customer will receive a full refund.
The exchange should be processed within 24 hours once the order is delivered. For fashion - clothing ( except innerwear), the same should be 15 days.
No, the customer does not need to pay any extra shipping charge for an exchange order.
The brand will pack the order and the courier partners will get the products delivered in 7-10 business days once the exchange order is approved.